Midnight Owl
Lesley Teare
Platinum (I think) 28 count linen
DMC threads
The next piece in my menagerie is from The Gift of Stitching (September 2006). This was really fun to stitch. I got to play around with overdyed threads - after using them it is sometimes hard to get out the good old DMC. But what would we do without it! I'm still sad that WalMart stopped carrying their floss.

Have You Any Wool
Beth K. Hendzlik
Off-white Belfast linen
(mostly) my own conversion of WDW, GAST and CC
Since I'll be traveling to the convention soon I wanted a smallish project to accompany me. Barbara kindly sent me the chart for Brite Birds, so I have started that and will take it with me. Even though I doubt I'll have the time to stitch, having something to bring along is like a security blanket!
Here in Massachusetts the month of June has been like monsoon season, and July has started out the same way. My stitching lamp has provided me more daylight than the real thing! I hope
the sun is shining down on everyone, wherever you are.