Freebie by Kathy Barrick-Dieter
DMC, CC, GAST and Carrie's Threads
Having travelled for various reasons over what seemed like the entire summer, I haven't gotten much stitching done. This was my companion piece - simple, easy to fold up and take along. I used threads I had in my stash, and almost learned an important lesson: make sure you have enough floss before you start a project. The border took every last bit of the skein of floss I had. I was literally holding my breath as I rounded the last corner. Then I found I'd left out an eye on one of the birds, so I had to use an ort to stitch it. So this one made it in just under the wire. My initials are in blue (backwards). If I had it to do over again I'd use a better contrasting yellow for the two birds and the date, but overall I like how it turned out.
I started something new (The Goode Huswife's Home Sweet Home) but my stitching time is curtailed because I have to look for a new (used) car. Right before one of our trips I came out of a store with DS to find the police in the parking lot next to my poor little Subaru. Someone parking their car had stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake and smashed into my car, which then smashed into two others. Needless to say it was totalled but at least we weren't in it and no one got hurt. The car would have been paid off in January so now we are facing lengthy car payments again. The rental car company didn't have anything comparable in size so I am driving this huge SUV I call the Behemoth (I'm 5'2" and can barely see over the steering wheel). Once this is over I think I am owed some serious stash shopping!