Carol R. (iStitch)
Belfast linen
GAST Peacock
Here's my finish of Sew Blue. The color is a little off in the picture - it's really a more turquoise blue than it seems (the color in my photo two entries down is a better view). The replacement floss I got when I ran out wasn't quite the same dye lot - the threads weren't as dark in places, but overall I think it looks okay. Luckily the little bit of chocolate I managed to get on the design came out. Warning: do not dish out ice cream to your son and forget to wash your hands before you put in your last stitches! There is a small error in the lettering (Carol can you find it?) and I may yet re-do it - I enjoyed working on this so much and I wouldn't mind having a little bit more time to play with it.
I finished this watching the remake of The Prisoner, which was totally incomprehensible even if you are a fan of the original rather puzzling show (which I am). Having only one color to stitch at least helped me to follow what I could of it. My next project is Primitive Wizard of Oz by Midsummer Night Designs, and that has lots of different colors to juggle. I'll need something a bit more straightforward to watch for this one. Hmmm, maybe a re-watch of the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice is in order. If I could keep my mind on my stitching instead of Mr. Darcy...