The Sampler Girl
Unknown 28 count linen
Crescent Colours threads
Thanks to her nice comment on one of my posts, I discovered Ma Teakettle's blog, which I am enjoying wandering through. A project of hers grabbed my attention and this is the result:

Sylvia K. Hessen
Freebie found here
Belfast Linen
DMC threads
DMC threads
Isn't it adorable? It's one part of a SAL that will encompass 12 designs, which can be stitched separately, or together with a border. Please pay close attention to the birds' eyes; they are - drumroll, please - french knots! Thanks to this tutorial they came out okay, I think. I would like to make this into a floss tag but I have to get one of those gizmos that set the grommets. I have seen a rather unwieldy one at Joann's - does anyone have any recommendations for this type of tool?
That's all I have to show right now - so it's on to the next project, when I figure out what it is!