A few days ago I got an email from Carol from
iStitch, with the most wonderful surprise. Michele from
Just Another Stitching Blog had RAK'd me with Sew a Brown Bunny, Carol's newest design. I'd had my eye on it since it was released but hadn't gotten around to ordering it yet. It was such a lift for this to happen - Michele is one of the nicest bloggers around and I was just so excited and touched that she'd done something so nice for me. I have already pulled the threads and selected the linen for this project, and will be starting it this week. It's the perfect Easter design. If you want your own copy, why not pop on over to
iStitch Charts - you won't regret it! Michele, thank you ever so much!
I finished my March Owl for the
Oakhaven Designs SAL. I'm enjoying stitching these little guys!
Here's my progress on The North Wind. All that's left is the white - lots of white. The chart called for Crescent Colours Toasted Marshmallow, but it has subtle browns in it and I thought it would make the snow look kind of dirty. So I'm using CC's Belle Soie in Icing. It's not showing up as well as I'd like - I think my linen should be a bit darker. But it's not, so I guess we're going for a subtle look.

I don't recall where I heard about this, but there is a new kind of cotton stranded thread being produced, called Rosace. They are offering three free skeins through their website - you can pick the colors you'd like. The floss is quite nice. To get your free samples, go to
http://www.threadrosace.com/ and click on the bar at the very top of the page. I think their free offer ends in a few days, so do this quick if you're interested.

This is my 100th post! Never when I started this blog did I imagine I'd have had enough to say or show to reach this point. Being a part of this stitching community has enriched my life more than I can ever articulate. There is a quotation attributed to the poet W.B. Yeats that I think is very apt - it says, "There are no strangers, just friends who haven't met yet." I think that describes the relationships between stitching bloggers so well.
To celebrate my 100th post, and to give a little back for all that has been given to me (literally and metaphorically), I'm doing a giveaway. I'm still gathering things for it, but one item that's definitely up for grabs is a copy of A Cross Stitch Christmas: Celebrations in Stitches. It's the edition that has the chart for Brightneedle's Lo How a Rose, and I know there are many of us who want to stitch it. So this will be one of my gifts to the winner.

To enter the giveaway, you don't have to be a follower, though I would be thrilled if you wanted to be one. Just leave a comment on this post, with your email address if it isn't in your profile or you don't have a blog. I'll pick a winner and post the name on Tuesday April 12th. Meanwhile I'll be thinking of what else I can throw in. Good luck!