Here is my progress on The North Wind. I made one change to the pattern - I added a question mark after the word "then" because the last line of the verse is really a question, not a statement. I guess all my grammar lessons stuck with me because I just couldn't leave it be. The dot is a bad version of a french knot, and it's a little off center, so I really should keep fiddling with it, but for now, it's on to the robin. As I suspected, I ran out of Pea Pod so the border will have to wait until I get some more.
It has come to my attention that this is my 99th post! I can't believe I've made it to this point - never when I started this blog did I think I'd ever have that much to say or show. It's been such fun and I've "met" so many nice people. When I hit 100 posts of course I must celebrate by having a giveaway. So I better get stitching!
Those owls are very cute! Great progress on the North Wind design.
I just love the owl piece, they are so darn cute.
Congrats! on the post milestone. I don't even have a clue how many I have had, lol
Had to laugh when you mentioned editing the punctuation on the pattern. Since I'm an editor for a living, I've stitched many a pattern where I couldn't resist editing the wording or letters. From adding an apostrophe where one is missing or misplaced to rearranging/recharting to accommodate missing letters in otherwise complete alphabets, I just can't help myself! Glad I'm not alone. Honestly, if I ever stitch "North Wind," I would have to add the question mark, too!
The owls are so sweet!
Fantastic progress on The North Wind:)
I think your sleeping owls look great, Michele! I have a love/hate relationship with French knots myself. Sometimes they look perfect, most of the time they don't :)
Wow! 100 posts--I've been blogging for over 2 years and am still not there yet. I must be the slowest blogger in the world!
Your question mark is perfect! I'm always changing/adding apostrophes on charts myself... I do love this piece--beautiful stitching!
LOL about the editing--I do that, too! Nice progress on both of your pieces! And on closing in on 100. I've been blogging for over 2 years and I'm nowhere near that!
Lovely stitching, the owls are adorable!
Terrific progress on both projects! I am a terrible french knot maker, too and I've been stitching for about 40 years! I have a very googly eyed sampler thanks to those knots!
Congratulations on your 100th post (I already have this book so you need not enter me into your draw).
Thanks for the advertisment for Sew a Brown Bunny - I hope you enjoy stitching this one!
The owls are adorable! Nice progress on your North Wind, too.
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